The Healing Power of Natural Medicine (and Food)
Healing can be an inaccessible and complicated process for many, but you can make it much easier through the medicinal power of food. A...

20 Minute Guided Visualization
This takes the listener on a journey to their source. It brings them face to face with their highest manifestation of true, pure self....

Whole Health Success Stories
WHOLE HEALTH SUCCESS STORIES: I had a recent follow up with a seventy year old woman who first came to me three months earlier after...

Low Thyroid Function
Do you suffer from depression, anxiety, low energy, fatigue, weight gain, difficulty losing weight, cold hands and feet? You may be one...

Anti Inflammatory Foods
72% of all disease is inflammatory. 100% of all inflammation comes from fat and 100% of all fat comes from food. Therefore diet is key to...

Fighting Cancer With homeopathy
Homeopathy has had to continually defend itself against the skepticism of the medical orthodoxy, but all one has to do is look at the...

How to Save a Million Human Lives
Day in, day out over the past thirty years, thousands of people have come into my nutritional counseling office in search of alternative...

You Are Infinite
The body you had five years ago is gone forever. The atoms that appeared as your flesh, blood, skin and bones no longer exist. Your...

Neuroplasticity Notes:
Your brain has 100 billion neurons that make 100 trillion connections. These connections communicate your personality, knowledge,...

Quantum Mechanics and Non locality
Prior to 1925 the laws of Classical Newtonian Mechanics governed our perception of reality. Here the ways of matter and energy were...