Quantum Mechanics and Non locality

Prior to 1925 the laws of Classical Newtonian Mechanics governed our perception of reality. Here the ways of matter and energy were defined via physical laws such as gravity. In 1925 Werner Heisenberg advanced his theory of Quantum Mechanics. Suddenly energy and matter were at last defined at the energetic level. This shift in perspective paved the way for our understanding of life. For example, it was discovered that stars were able to implode into themselves, forming black holes with gravity billions of times more powerful than previously believed. The prism was defined as multicolored striations of light via gases that occur from heated electrons that exhibited properties beyond local reality. Once heated the photon light particles jumped into another fixed orbit. This defied the laws of Classical Newtonian Mechanics. The orbital jumping of heated light particles is where we get the term “quantum leap.”
1935 EPR The Einstein Podolsky Rosen Theorem – Proved that particles that were part of the same system were inextricably tied, and synchronized even at infinite distances. Einstein defined this as “spooky action.”
Throughout the mid to late 1930s Nils Bohr further expanded many proven theorems on entanglement.
1964 Bell’s Theorem further proved nonlocality of entanglement. Quantum Mechanics and entanglement have been proved and affirmed thousands of times over the past 85 years. Since Bell’s Theorem, quantum nonlocality is a scientifically proven fact of nature.
As we now know that every particle is in constant communication with every other particle in the universe.
While this was true for particles, but what about larger objects such as us, planets and stars. The answer is yes as we are all comprised of particles. This gave rise to the theory of the parallel universe. Thus, you and I may well be synchronized with ourselves in a parallel universe.
Today we accept that quantum mechanics rules every particle in all matter. Things don’t like to be tied down to one location. They can manifest in more than one place at a time. Our actions have an affect at a distance even though we’re not there.
Since quantum mechanics our familiar view of material life amounts to mirages and illusions that we have yet to transcend beyond in our day to day lives.
“We can perceive more than we’ll ever discover.”
-Wm Blake-
The mind is subjective and immaterial. The brain is objective and material.